Just a thought in my silly brain that just struck me when i was in the toilet today. Was wondering whether we get a helping hand when we really need them. But the ground reality is we would never get them if we don't ask for it. Most of the people i know would say easily that friends are the first one to lend a hand when u need a help.. But it is just when we ask for them?
I guess friendship is much more than that. A friend should know when his friend is in pain or feel lonely.. When the friend realy feel to share but he is reluctant... I am not a psychologist and i am sure i would never be one! but just my feeling that when some one is in a lot of stress he/she would definitely hide!! It is us, friends who should sense the "DANGER" sign and help them out!
just a thought.. just wanted to share!!
nice post :)
hmmm agreeed..
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