It’s been 42 years if I am not mistaken that we got our independence from the British. But did we really feel the independence we had is the frequent question that everyone use to ask and the politician complains that they did not have the independence!
Even though I work in the government I do not support all the activities that’s carried by the government it self. But for sure, I feel that the independence we had is quite more self comfortable rather than the independence we are having at the moment.
Some would blame President Maumoon, but some would blame his cabinet. But I would definitely blame everyone in the nation, including me, my self and my friends and everyone in the nation for disrupting the peace we had. We just cannot fulfill or taste the full independence with turmoil and hatred. We have to love each other, and have to have peace and the smile we had before. When people speak of
right! :) it us people who need to change... president and the cabunet they are people too they eed to change as much as we do!
I ventured in here through flickr.
I'm a srilankan, but was raised in Maldives for 13 good yrs of life... we moved there in 1981... Moved back to sri lanka for a couple of yrs in the late 80's and I was SO SHOCKED that Sri lanka was screwed up. I didn't know violence until then because living in Maldives, we didn't have to fear anything. Perhaps I was too young to notice other things?... To this very day I tell my friends giving example of how peaceful and quiet living in Maldives was...
I'm sorry to hear that some people are unhappy there. That's not how it was way back when =(. It hurts to find out stuff like that.
My primary and important part of life was spent in Maldives and I consider it more of a home than any place.
I really enjoy reading it, very good insights, the article is very ell-said. A thumbs up!
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