Well, now i know where the big shipments from Maldives arrives in Japan. It is the Tsukiji Fish market. It is close to Narita Airport as well. Just maybe 1 and half hours without traffic. Well this market is huge. Do u believe that it sells around 24,000 tonnes of tuna everyday. Japan is one of the largest tuna consumers in the world. They consume around 1/3rd of the consumption of the world. They consume most of the tuna as sashimi. A favourite food in here.
Well, sashimi consists of raw fish, thus demands high quality fish to be delivered from all over the world. It seems that Maldivian fish have a high good value. The average price is around 3000Yen per kilo of tuna. that is around 250dollars per kg. Wow!! that's huge amount. I saw one tuna from Norway which weighs around 174.4kg. Damn the guy would get a lot of money.
Maldives exports mainly in fresh and frozen. Though frozen have lesser value compared to the fresh form Maldives fish have higher price in the market. Though it is sold at 3000Yen by the wholesalers in the auction the sellers in Maldives get a less amount than that. Cause they sell it to the middle men with much more lower price.
Here are some pics i took. The market not only sells tuna, but over a range of 400 marine products.
hey dude.
Nice pics
U bete do sumthing abt the fish
price here in madives, our fishermen who do the hard work getss really nothin. Just 6 rufia per tuna kg.
Whats that when those ppl sell yhis tuan at japan for $259 dollars a kg.
U better put forwd this issu to ur ministry an do sumthing to help the fishermen.
Yo mode! well those prices r for the yellowfin tuna. Which is bought from the purchasing companies for a good price. meanwhile skipjacks r sold in da market for 1.64 dollars. So i think 6 rufiyya is ok.
bring me some fish.. pleaaaaaaaaaaaase... and some nice chicks.. pleaseeeeeeeee.. nice work..
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