I supported the views of the current president during his election speeches to cut down government spending and to minimize the income inequalities among the population of Maldives. But now, I am really disappointed of his actions!
The huge debates in the Majlis just proved the greedy and selfish parliamentarians. They never want to do any good for the normal citizens, instead they would want to get as much money they could to fulfill their own pockets!
I thought to do some research based on the Gross Domestic Product of some of the wealthier countries and the head of the state. The GDP are based on the figures released by International Monetary Fund for year 2007.

The figures just speak for itself. Our GDP values are way too lower than India or even Bangladesh. But the salaries we pay for the highest post are way too high for our economy to handle. It’s just based on the ad-hoc thinking by the parliamentarians. I remember one member saying, that the figure was derived at a lower rate, but they thought to make it more appealing and nice. It is not just the parliamentarian’s money to do whatever they want.
From what the parliamentarians discussed in the treasury committee in the parliament, I just feel that they never discuss about the economic issues with any economists or even government officials, whether a luxurious figure of 7,782 dollars per month could be paid for the president based on the current economic recession .
The alliance of MDP has the control in the parliament at the moment. Anything that the president wishes could easily be passed in the parliament. I am sure the parliamentarians would meet before hand and come up with a figure before it was passed in the parliament. The parliament has become the best circus of the century. Maybe it’s because we don’t have a circus in Maldives, the parliamentarians thought it might be fun to do so.
The income disparity is so immense in Maldives. Now I wish I could have just stayed back in UK and worked back there. After I completed my masters, I am now receiving a monthly salary of US $346 (MRF 4450/-) and with allowances I would be able to get MRF 6230 or 486 US dollars per month. I know the consequences of an increased salary and I am not just saying to increase the public service salary either. I just wanted to mention to reduce the income disparities in the country and the value of 2.1 Million rufiyya per year on the two key posts of Maldives is way too much for our economy to handle!
We voted Mohammed Nasheed to make good changes in our life and now it doesn’t seem so. The first thing he did was to bring more cash in to his pocket. Well, he wouldn’t mind of a global recession while he gets Rf 2 per minute in his pocket. Will he?