It is not olden days any more. Where ever you go you would face the so called "parteys" (locally known for Drug Addicts and other gang members). It seems major proportion of our youth is involved in some extent in drug trafficing or other..
My cousin who was so good in studies lost his future because of it. Once he was one of the leading accountants in Maldives, but now he is no man. lives in the island trying to fight against drugs with the help of his family.
In my own opinion, the govt is unable to act upon and to minimise it due to a lot of constraints. Drug trafficing is highly involved with world known gangs like MAFIa and other gangs that are in India and Pakistan. So assume how much difficult it would be with a 1200 islands scattered all over the indian ocean.
But we need to act.. from the parental level to the govt level and i think we should before it is too late..
Picture taken today: From the demonstration held today to stop drug trafficing