I was very busy in the last week or so. had to do a lot of statistical work and guess i dream of numbers now a days..
Well but to the bright side of it, i had a very good trip to Seoul. It is a completely different place from Daejeon. The place is noisy with a lot of traffic as it consists of 1/3rd of South Korean popoulation. I remember we started to go to a place at 7:30 and we reached there in almost 2 hrs. But the driver said without traffic we cud have gone there within 15 mins. Imagine the traffic.
Well, the other thing i noticed is that these ppl never sleep in this city. When i went out from the hotel for a walk with 3 of my friends around 1'o clock i saw people going for jogging and busy with there walk.
The three days I spent in seoul went flying. The first day we went to see some of the Industrial places and it's amazing. The Hyundai car manufacturing factory was awesome. and guess what?? A car is made in the factory in just 57 seconds. There are electric robots to do everything from screwing the nuts and bolts and checking whether the screw is fastened or not. We also visited a steel manufacturing factory of Hyundai.
The second day we spent on shopping and visiting the statistical office in Seoul. The statistical office was very good. quite different from ours. They have palm laptops to gather information from surveys and the data is automatically saved, which is then sent to the main statistical office for processing and analysis. About shopping, i did not find anything which i can buy, other than nuts which i ate the whole day.. The prices of products are too expensive compared to the prices in Maldives.
The third day was cultural day. hehhe. We visited a lot of cultural places. We visited the king's palace. The place was huge and beautiful. and guess??? The King has seven or more wives, and each night he calls upon a lady to satisfy him and the ladies wait impatiently for thier calls. And the security of the palace is high too. There are no furnitures in King's room cause there might be weapons hidden inside the furniture.
Then we visited the Korean folk Village. Wow!!! the place was really really beautiful with korean traditional houses and all kinds of things used in the olden days.. and guess people live in that village. The food available in there is even traditional food. The best part of the village tour was the cultural show. The gymnatics and the horse skill show was really good. plus the Korean cultural wedding was really good too.
Well the trip is over now.. and i guess i better go back to play with the numbers.. hehhehe..
I took almost 900 pics in the trip. I wud select the best of it and would post it. If u want to see some of the other pics you cud visit to ma msn space.